Most Businesses Are Acceptable |
Cold Call Outbound Programs Collection Agencies Computer Sales Credit Card Protection Credit Restoration Dating Clubs or Services Drug Paraphernalia Escort Service Future Services (e.g. room, vacation reservations) Hair Growing Products Investment Opportunities Lotteries/Raffles Pyramid Sales Travel Related |
In the last
12 months: No Unsatisfied Judgements, No Unreleased Tax Liens,
Merchant Bankcard Application form. Merchant Agreement form. Internet Merchant Data form. American Express Application. If applicable, copies of Articles of Incorporation, Webpages printout (intro pages). Include order page with the following notice to your customers: "The merchant name "Your DBA (Doing Business As) Name" will appear alongside the amount charged on your credit card statement." U.S. street address for business. Product/Service Ad copy, Brochure, and/or Fliers. Pictures or samples of products, if possible. Interior Photo showing at least a desk and phone. Exterior Photo showing front of Home/Business (w/signage if any). Copy of Business License and Fictitious Name Statement. Copy of Driver's License Two Voided Business Checks. TAPE top of check to Bank App & Amex App. If applicable, main supplier of product listed as trade reference. If applicable, last 3 months statements from past/current card processor.
----begin Extra Docs List----- Business Financial Statements. Business Tax Returns. Personal Financial Statement for each Principal signed and dated. Personal Tax Returns for Each Principal. Last 3 Months Merchant Bank Processing Statements. Last 3 Months Business Bank Statements. Samples of Advertising AND Product. Telemarketing Scripts (if being used). ----end Extra Docs List-----
----begin Requirements for Non-U.S.Merchants-----
Personal Financial Statement for each Principal signed and dated.
actual sales for the life of the account. At 7th month, the 1st month's reserve is returned to merchant. At 8th month, the 2nd month's reserve is returned. At 9th mo., the 3rd month's reserve is returned etc. Additional Requirements for
Copy of agreement between Ecash
merchant and its clients.
$25 App Fee ($100 non-U.S. merchant, $225 Ecash merchant) if purchasing softw. or hardw. or Verisign or AuthorizeNet real time processing from Del West. $125 App Fee ($200 non-U.S. merchant, $325 Ecash merchant) if not purchasing softw. or hardw. or Verisign or AuthorizeNet real time processing from Del West. Adult Content Sites: Add $680 to App Fee for Visa High Risk Premium. Send Completed Application with Checklist to: Keep a copy of completed application for future reference. |